Tag: PR-Net

PR-Net Trade #Luxury Edition

I am in partnership with Publicity SA’s Andrea Desfarges in PR-Net Trade where we connect brands with media in a high-level networking exhibition. Our most recent one with brands in the luxury industry was held at The President Hotel in Bantry Bay. Veteran hotelier Nick 

PR-Net Trade brings together wine industry and media

The first PR-Net Trade event, in partnership with Andrea Desfarges of Publicity, was held on the 7th Floor pool deck of Mandela Rhodes Place Hotel.  Seen there were:

Lianne Burton shared her Pinterest passion with PR-Net

Had a brilliant PR-Net last night with Lianne Burton sharing her passion and insights about Pinterest with the group. Our venue was Cameraland, the perfect inner-city venue for a presentation and reception on their open roof top. www.BizCommunity.com, PR-Net’s exclusive media partner sponsored the refreshments. 

Top Billing spoke to PR-Net at The Brasserie in Tokai, Cape Town.

Patience Stevens and her Top Billing on SABC3 team of Amor Engelbrecht, Yusuf Stevens and Julia Fell spoke to PR-Net about their show. Chef Stef Marais prepared the most amazing dinner in the upstairs private room at The Brasserie, Tokai. Greg Gelb did the magic,Mike 

The 12 Apostles Hotel & Spa hosts PR-Net with Peter Mann

Although just one aspect of public relations practice, media relations or publicity is what most clients want. Meropa Communications head honcho Peter Mann spoke to PR-Net in Cape Town at the fabulous 12 Apostles Hotel & Spa who put on a spread that still has 

Louise Marsland shares PR trends with PR-Net

Media and Marketing journalist Louise Marsland shared insights from her forthcoming PR and Social Communications Trend. report with PR-Net at the V&A Market Wharf. Click here to download her presentation.