Month: May 2018

The Silo Hotel, Cape Town.

The Silo Hotel, Cape Town.

I’m thrilled to be contributing to UK luxury travel site TripReporter and being in such fine company. Read about why The Silo Hotel in Cape Town is so special. @Royal_Portfolio, @theroyalportfoli, @trippyreporter

Madeira: All the highs, none of the lows.

Madeira: All the highs, none of the lows.

First published in Sawubona Magazine, May 2018 issue. Luxury travel writer BRIAN BERKMAN (@BrianBerkmanZA) explored Madeira’s glorious ups and downs. All the highs without the lows Of the 300, 000 or so Portugese people in South Africa, I’d bet the majority descend from a little 

Kruger National Park Self-Drive

Kruger National Park Self-Drive

As first published in the May 2018 issue of Road Trip Magazine. Click here to read it or download.   Luxury travel writer BRIAN BERKMAN (@BrianBerkmanZA) has visited many top-end private lodges within Kruger National Park’s environs. Now, for the first time, he drove himself 

Stay at Geneva’s historic jewel-box of a hotel. 

Stay at Geneva’s historic jewel-box of a hotel. 

As first published in SLOW magazine, May 2018. By BRIAN BERKMAN The black spot is where St Peter’s thumb touched the John Dory. At Geneva’s Hotel d’Angleterre, Windows restaurant, Mario is presenting the flat, roundish fish for our approval before cooking. Like everything about this