Month: September 2017

At the very top of the top

At the very top of the top

First published in Explore South Africa magazine   By BRIAN BERKMAN   People select hotels for all sorts of reasons, location, amenities and, of course, cost. When cost is not part of the equation there is a narrow slice of properties that stand head and 

Sun City gets a major upgrade

Sun City gets a major upgrade

First published in Explore South Africa magazine.   For more than 38 years Sun City, that magical and once forbidden world created in one of just two alkaline craters on the globe, has been the go-to place for South Africans wanting escape from the humdrum 

Royal Malewane bush luxury at the very top of the food chain

Royal Malewane bush luxury at the very top of the food chain

As first published in Explore South Africa magazine.   For those among us who only fly First or Business and are able to select from the best travel opportunities the globe offers as well as those who live frugally and save towards a trip of 

Visit Thanda Safari near Durban for luxury safari and first-hand rhino conservation

Visit Thanda Safari near Durban for luxury safari and first-hand rhino conservation

Thanda Safari is just four hours from Durban and delivers an intimate and luxury safari experience with an emphasis in community development and protection of the endangered rhino. Read more about our visit and the stellar work they do to protect rhino as published in