Month: February 2014

Lianne Burton shared her Pinterest passion with PR-Net

Had a brilliant PR-Net last night with Lianne Burton sharing her passion and insights about Pinterest with the group. Our venue was Cameraland, the perfect inner-city venue for a presentation and reception on their open roof top., PR-Net’s exclusive media partner sponsored the refreshments. 

Type2Revolution support group

A new support group called Type2 Revolution, We Shall Overcome! for people with Type 2 Diabetes who are struggling to achieve and maintain a healthy weight will be facilitated by me, Brian Berkman who successfully shed 70Kg and reversed diabetes and hypertension. The hour-long sessions on Wednesday 

Quality ingredients and eateries that cater to fussy tastes impress over “smart” spots

With money ever tighter there have to be compelling reasons to invest in dining out. When I wrote reviews about dining out I’d often suggest saving three or four ordinary meals to enjoy an extra-ordinary food experience believing instead that more value was delivered at 

My travel bucket list just got shorter

  First published on “That’s a Narina Trogon”, Solilo Kalumba, SK to his friends, pointed out. Armed with my iPhone Bird Guide App, I disagreed. “Narina Trogons don’t live here,” I read from the guide, smug in my correctness. “Look there it is”, he says