Fully realised cuisine on offer at Forage

Fully realised cuisine on offer at Forage

First published on TripReporter.co.uk. Click here to read it there.   By BRIAN BERKMAN   From concept to execution, Forage restaurant at Wildekrans Estate in Botriver delivers a fine-dining experience that is the fully-realised vision of chef patron Gregory Henderson and his team. Nothing is 

Banting Snacking

When people hear about my weight-loss success following the #LCHF or #Banting diet they always ask about my missing carbs. The truth is I don’t miss them. What I miss is the freedom of just eating what I want to eat without thinking carefully about 

LCHF prawn & Avo salad

Success in the kitchen has more to do with planning than it does with creativity or skill. My biggest culinary lesson was how to prepare basic essentials in advance. The french call this mise en place but I call it being prepared. This dish, smart 

Roasted fillet recipe – perfect LCHF

Was great to see my #LCHF recipes in Die Burger newspaper. If you missed it, here is the recipe for my roasted fillet. All Recipes serve six with leftovers.Roasted beef fillet.1 Whole grass-fed beef fillet2 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon Maldon salt1 tablespoon whole peppercorns Preheat your 

Banting while travelling.

The great news is that if you also follow a #Banting or #LCHF diet you can now travel with impunity knowing that your culinary needs will, with advance notice, happily be taken care of. That was certainly my experience on our recent Kwa-Zulu Natal visit, 

#LCHF PR-Net Trade event and #Banting while out

The conversation around Prof Tim Noakes’ 25g or less of carbohydrate a day with quality fat from olive oil, fish and meat in every meal and the hash tags  #LCHF and #Banting seems to be as angry as our world at war. Rather than refute