Month: April 2020



We welcomed Julie into our home. She was rescued by our friends Angela and Jen in Pringle Bay when KAWS, in Kleinmond, had to close during lockdown. As Angela and Jen already have two large (and fabulous) dogs, they asked if any of their friends 

Dreaming about travels to come

Dreaming about travels to come

Paging through the latest issue of Backpacker Magazine the wanderlust has struck me hard. I need out. Happy to be away from people but I need to be out. Here’s where my head is right now.

Covid-19 take on vintage travel posters

Covid-19 take on vintage travel posters

Saw this article in Travel + Leisure magazine and it brought back wonderful memories of vintage travel posters but with a message we need to hear today. “Stay The F* Home”

Stay at Brenaissance in Stellenbosch’s Devon Valley.

Stay at Brenaissance in Stellenbosch’s Devon Valley.

Stylish yet affordable self-catering options in Devon Valley, just 10-minutes from the centre of Stellenbosch. Read about our visit to Brenaissance here.

A short movie about making sauerkraut

A short movie about making sauerkraut

The probiotics that aid gut health are important so I tried making sauerkraut myself. Here’s a little movie about it.