Month: July 2014

Travel during low season for the best of everything

Our May trip along the Garden Route is proof how much more pleasurable it is to travel during low season. The biggest appeal is, as you would think, fewer other travellers, but in truth, the milder temperatures and low wind conditions made, for a more 

Test the Reasons You Think you will Fail and Plan to Succeed

In the 12 Steps How to Stick to a Healthy Eating plan I talk about testing the reasons you think you might fail and planning ahead to succeed. I thought about these while climbing the Kogelberg this morning. It was a beautifully clear day but 

How I lost 70kg: My weight-loss journey from Day 1 (July 2011)

I began blogging about my weight-loss journey on another platform which I am no longer using. I’ve cut and paste the posts from over a period of about two years into one combined post below for those who are interested in how and where